Types of OSS Notices
These are the types of OSS notices that can be issued from FOSSLight Hub.
- Html
- This is a common OSS notice format that includes OSS Name, OSS Version, License, Copyright text, License text, and Homepage for the used OSS.
- Example: OSS Notice Html
- Text
- This format is the same as the Html format but is output as a plain text file.
- Example: OSS Notice Text
- Simple HTML
- Similar to the Html format, but the full license text is replaced with a link to the license text.
- Example: OSS Notice Simple HTML
- Simple Text
- Similar to Simple HTML but in a plain text file format.
- Example: OSS Notice Simple Text
- SPDX (SpreadSheet)
- This format outputs the OSS notice in an SPDX (SpreadSheet) format.
- Example: OSS Notice SPDX (SpreadSheet)
- This format outputs the OSS notice in an SPDX (RDF) format.
- Example: OSS Notice SPDX (RDF)
- This format outputs the OSS notice in an SPDX (TAG) format.
- Example: OSS Notice SPDX (TAG)
- This format outputs the OSS notice in an SPDX (JSON) format.
- Example: OSS Notice SPDX (JSON)
- This format outputs the OSS notice in an SPDX (YAML) format.
- Example: OSS Notice SPDX (YAML)
- CycloneDX (JSON)
- This format outputs the OSS notice in a CycloneDX (JSON) format.
- Example: OSS Notice CycloneDX (JSON)
- CycloneDX (XML)
- This format outputs the OSS notice in a CycloneDX (XML) format.
- Example: OSS Notice CycloneDX (XML)