Importing Analysis Results from Other Projects

You can import previously analyzed project results and apply them to a new project. This feature is useful in the following scenarios:

  1. When a project is divided into multiple modules, and each module's open source analysis is performed separately, then combined for management.
  2. When there are multiple projects utilizing common modules.
  • How to Import Previous Project Analysis Results:
    You can load each results in the 3rd party, SRC, DEP, and BIN tabs of the Identification stage.
    Note: Only projects with the Identification stage completed can be imported.
  1. Click the tab where you want to load the analysis results.
  2. Click the Project Search button. ProjectSearch
    • If you are in View mode, click the Edit button (EditBtn) to see the Project Search button.
  3. Choose your search criteria and enter the desired search term. ProjectSearchBar
  4. Select the project you want to import from the search results. ProjectSearchResult
  5. The Detail Preview menu will appear below the search list, showing the list of open source components to be loaded. Click the Load button. ProjectSearchDetailPreview
  6. Choose the desired import method in the popup. ProjectLoadPopup
    • Reset & Load: Clears the existing contents in the OSS table and loads the open source list from the selected project.
    • Load & Append: Keeps the existing contents in the OSS table and adds the open source list from the selected project.