

You can check the vulnerabilities in Open Source and related information (CVE ID, CVSS Score).

Vulnerability List

VulList You can check and search for the highest security vulnerabilities by version of open source provided in the NVD Data Feeds from the NVD(National Vulnerability Database).

1. Search Conditions

You can set OSS Name, OSS Version, CVE ID, etc., to perform a search.

  • OSS Name and OSS Version are not related to the OSS registered in the OSS List; they refer to the NVD Data Feeds Product Name and Version.
  • When you check ‘the Exact match' option and perform a search, only results that exactly match the search term in the OSS Name field will be displayed.
  • For CVE ID, only results that exactly match will be displayed.

2. Search Results

  • When clicking the OSS Name link: All CVE results for the specific version of the OSS Name and nickname in that row will be displayed in a popup.
    • Exact match search results for OSS Name, nickname, and version.
    • However, if the version is ‘-‘, all versions will be displayed.
  • When clicking the Nickname link: All CVE results for the specific version queried by nickname will be displayed in a popup.
    • Exact match search results for nickname and version.
    • However, if the version is ‘-‘, all versions will be displayed.
  • Max CVSS Score: The highest critical level for each version of the OSS is displayed.

    Critical Level Critical Score
    Critical 9.0 ~ 10.0
    High 7.0 ~ 8.9
    Medium 4.0 ~ 6.9
    Low 0.1 ~ 3.9

Vulnerability details

Detailed information popup

After searching in the Vulnerability List, click the link for OSS Name or Nickname. VulPopUp

Vulnerability information export

  • You can check the Max Score for each version of the OSS Version and subsequent versions corresponding to the OSS entered by the user.
  • By clicking the Vulnerability link, you can view the detailed information popup.
  • After viewing the Vulnerability information, you can click the Export button on the left to download it as an Excel file. VulExport

Vulnerability information export


  • OSS Name: OSS Name written in the OSS table
  • OSS Version: Version in which the vulnerability was found
    • If the OSS version is blank, information for all versions present in the vulnerability will be displayed.
    • If the OSS Version is set, lower versions of that version will not be included in the CSV (all higher versions will be included).
  • CVE ID: Security vulnerability information ID provided by NVD(National Vulnerability Database)
  • CVSS Score: The Max Score for the vulnerability of the corresponding OSS and version
  • Description: Description information of the corresponding OSS
  • Published Date: The date the security vulnerability was published by NVD
  • Last Revised: The date the information on the security vulnerability was last revised by NVD
  • Vendor: OSS Vendor(an item to distinguish the vendor of the OSS when the OSS Name is the same)