
Functions of FOSSLight can be called with REST API.
REST API V1 will be supported until the end of March. Please use REST API V2 starting in April.

How to start

Create a TOKEN

TOKEN must be issued to call REST API.

  1. Sign in as Admin account.
  2. You can issue tokens for each user in the System > User Management tab.



1. Check OSS & License information

API Response format Description
/api/v1/downloadlocation_search JSON Search OSS information by download location.
/api/v1/license_search JSON Search license information by license name.
/api/v1/oss_search JSON Search OSS information by OSS Name and Version.

2. Check 3rd Party information

API Response format Description
/api/v1/partner_search JSON Get 3rd party information.
/api/v1/partner_watcher_add - Add watcher of 3rd Party project.

3. Check project information, upload FOSSLight Report/Packaging, export/comparison of BOM.

API Response format Description
/api/v1/create_project JSON Create a Project and the generated project's ID is returned.
/api/v1/model_search JOSN Get the Model List for the Project. (Maximum number of Return Items: 1000)
- Project ID, Category, Model, Name, Release Date
/api/v1/model_update JSON Update model information in Project's Basic Information and Distribution tab with model information string list.
- Model information String list (format . MODEL_NAME|Category|Release Date)
- ex) MODEL_NAME|ETC > Etc|20220428
/api/v1/model_update_upload_file JSON Update model information in Project's Basic Information and Distribution tab with excel file of model list.
- Excel file of model list : Project > Basic Information tab > Click Download button.
/api/v1/oss_report_bin - Upload FOSSLight Report to BIN Tab. If data already exists in the OSS Table, the FOSSLight Report uploaded after reset. (Loaded Sheet Name : "BIN")
/api/v1/oss_report_src - Upload FOSSLight Report to SRC Tab. If data already exists in the OSS Table, the FOSSLight Report uploaded after reset. (Loaded Sheet Name : "SRC")
/api/v1/package_upload - Upload the Packaging file to the Packaging tab. If packaging files have already been uploaded, an additional packaging file is uploaded. Packaging file upload result will be sent by mail.
/api/v1/prj_bom_compare JSON Compare the OSS Name, OSS Version, and License of the two projects' BOM.
/api/v1/prj_bom_export File Download the result file exported from the BOM of the project.
/api/v1/prj_bom_export_json JSON Returns the result exported from the project's BOM in json format.
/api/v1/prj_search JSON Get project information.
/api/v1/prj_watcher_add - Add watcher of project.

4. Check Vulnerability information

API Response format Description
/api/v1/vulnerability_data JSON Search OSS Name, CVE-ID for each version, CVSS Score, and NVD Link.
/api/v1/vulnerability_max_data JSON Search max score and the NVD link by OSS Name and Version.

5. Create Self-Check and register FOSSLight Report

API Response format Description
/api/v1/create_selfcheck JSON Create a Self-Check Project and the generated Self-Check's ID is returned.
/api/v1/oss_report_selfcheck - Upload FOSSLight Report to Self-Check. If data already exists in the OSS Table, the FOSSLight Report uploaded after reset. (Loaded Sheet Name : "Self-Check")
/api/v1/export_selfcheck File Download the result file exported from the Self-Check project.
/api/v1/selfcheck_watcher_add - Add watcher of Self-Check project.

6. Check the value of the code used when using API

API Response format Description
/api/v1/code_search JSON Search the list of values of the parameters to be used when searching for Project, 3rd Party, and creating a project.

7. Error Code

Return Code Description Error Message
200 User does not exist. User does not exist.
210 There is an error in the TOKEN value. There is an error in the TOKEN value.
310 The parameter is invalid. The parameter is invalid.
320 The number of project and self-check creations has been exceeded. (Up to 3 creations per day using API) The number of projects and self-checks that can be created has been exceeded. (Up to 3 per day)
330 When registering files such as OSS Report, an error occurred during validation check for the created data. There is an error in the data written in the file.
400 Files to upload (ex-OSS Report, NOTICE, result.txt, Packaging files) are missing. The file to upload is missing.
410 It is the case that the size of OSS Report and Packaging file is exceeded. (Maximum Size: OSS Report -5MB, Packaging file- 4GB) File size exceeded. (Max size: 5MB for oss report, 4GB for packaging file)
420 The registered files are extensions that are not supported. The registered files are extensions that are not supported.
430 The tab you are trying to upload is not active. Please check the Distribution type and the tab to upload. The tab you are trying to upload is not active.
440 When there is no Sheet name to load The [Sheet_name] sheet name cannot be found
440 When there are no rows to load in the uploaded file There is no data to load.
500 You do not have permission. (ex: When a non-public project is viewed by a user other than a Watcher or Creator) You do not have permission.
999 Unknown Error.  Unknown error.


Example of searching project information of user and admin accounts using prj_search

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 LG Electronics Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import csv
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict

header_list = ['prjId', 'prjName', 'prjVersion', 'createDate', 'updateDate', 'identificationStatus', 'verificationStatus', 'distributionStatus', 'status', 'vulnerabilityScore', 'distributionType', 'notice', 'networkService', 'priority', 'noticePlatform']

def get_data(period, user):
    url = ""

    querystring = {"createDate":period,"creator":user}

    payload = ""
    headers = {"_token": "abCDe...."}

    response = requests.request("GET", url, data=payload, headers=headers, params=querystring, verify=False)

    # print(response.text)
    data = response.json()['data']

    content_list = data['content']

    data_list = []
    for content in content_list:
        data = OrderedDict() 
        for header in header_list:
            if header in content.keys():
                data[header] = content[header]
                data[header] = ''

    return data_list

if __name__ == "__main__":
    current_year =
    content_list = []
    content_list.extend(get_data('20220101-{0}1231'.format(current_year), "user"))
    content_list.extend(get_data('20220101-{0}1231'.format(current_year), "admin"))

    content_list.sort(key=lambda x:x['prjId'],reverse=True)
    with open('api_data.csv','w',encoding='utf-8',newline='') as f:
        wr = csv.writer(f)
        for content in content_list: