Developer Documentation


How to install and run FOSSLight.

Download FOSSLight Source

Clone the FOSSLight repository.

How to install - 1

Build and run using Docker.


  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose

Build and run

docker-compose up --build

How to install - 2


  • Java 11 or higher
  • MariaDB (10.0 or higher) or MySql (5.6 or higher)
  • Memory : 8GB+

Development environment

Download & Installation

  1. Install Java. :
  2. Download a DDL file. : fosslight_create.sql
  3. Install MariaDB or Mysql. :
  4. Create a database and initialize data.
    mysql -u root -p < fosslight_create.sql

    If the database already exists or if you want to change the database name, change ‘fosslight' statement at the top.

    mysql -u root -p <DATABASE_NAME> < fosslight_create.sql

    Delete (or change) the CREATE USER and GRANT parts if the connection account already exists or if a different account is used.

  5. Install the tree package on the system. :
    • Ubuntu
      sudo apt-get install tree
    • MacOS
      brew install tree

IDE Configuration

Download Spring Tool Suite.

Project Import

※ Based on STS (Spring Tool suite) 4.x

  1. Install lombok. :
  2. File > Import > Gradle > Existing Gradle Project
  3. Set up and import the Git Source Directory.
  4. Set to UTF-8 in Project> Properties> Resource> Text file encoding.

How to run

Change the running options.

Change running options in file.

  • server.port=8180 : Web server port (In case of 8180, http://localhost:8180)
  • spring.datasource.url= : Set the IP, Port, and Database Name of the DB server where FOSSLight Database is installed.
  • spring.datasource.username=fosslight : Database username.
  • spring.datasource.password=fosslight : Database password.
  • logging.path=./logs : Set log file path. ( Default "./logs" means an application execution path.)
  • logging.file=fosslight : The name of the log file. (Ref. logback-spring.xml)
  • root.dir=./data : Top path of file upload/download.

Build & Run

You can build and run it in the following way.
You can also download the official release version of the built war file.

  • build (Create a war file.)
    $ ./gradlew build
  • run
    $ ./gradlew bootRun
  • build & run 2 (Run the application after building)
    $ ./gradlew clean build && java -jar build/libs/FOSSLight-1.0.0.war
    • Running options
      • Web server port
      • Work Directory (Default : /usr/share/fosslight)
      • Database Connections (Default :
      • log file path

Run from IDE

- Boot Dashboard > local > FOSSLight, (right click) start (Crtl + Alt + Shift + B, R)

Operation check

  • If you connect to http://localhost:8180 from a web browser, the sign in page is displayed.
  • Default account :
    • id : admin, pswd : admin

Detailed settings

Set up the mail server

  1. Go to Configuration menu.
  2. Check the SMTP Setting check box.
  3. Enter the mail server information and save.
    ex) In case of running mail service with docker-compose
     Mail Server : fosslight_mail
     Email Address :
     Port : 587
     Encoding : UTF-8
     Username :
     Password : fosslight
  4. Restart Web server.
    docker-compose restart fosslight_web

Download NVD Data

Set to download NVD data from 2002 data only once for the first time after server setting. : Download NVD Data